
3 Easy Steps To Stop Worrying

3 things to stop feeling worried

Worrying is often thought of as a natural response to life’s challenges. But when worry turns to panic or fear of the unknown, it can cripple your ability to function and even keep you from getting a good night’s sleep.

If you’re the type of person who tends to worry frequently, try experimenting with some healthy ways to turn down the volume. Start by taking one worry at a time and asking yourself if the situation is really worth it. If it isn’t, let it go.

How many times do you worry when you have a problem? I know, of course, everyone worries from time to time.

Worry is part of the human mechanism that tells us something is not quite right, but there is a bit of a trap every time we begin to feel worried about something.

What do you usually do when you worry? I bet that you “think” more and you “do” less.

Try to stop overthinking just for a single moment. Seems impossible to you right now, right?

Indeed, the most effective way not to worry for a while is to take a long deep breath. Just breathe. Yes, just in breath in, breath out. Just focus your mind on your breathing. Yes, focus on your breathing.

How do you feel now? Does it work? If not, try to take 5-10 long deep breaths and focus on your breathing.

“If you cannot help worrying, remember that worrying cannot help you either.”

From the teachings of different beliefs, stillness can give a piece of mind. That is just the first step to stop worrying and it really works.

The Steps to Stop Worrying is easy as 1-2-3. So, here are the 3 easy steps to stop worrying

1. Focus on the NOW

As I have said above, just focus on your breathing. Technically speaking, deep breathing has benefits in our body.

According to, deep breathing can help in these ways…

  • Make us calm
  • Helps to detoxify our body
  • Relieves pain
  • Make us happier
  • Helps to improve our posture
  • Stimulates the lymphatic system
  • Increases our cardiovascular capacity
  • Gives us energy
  • Improves our digestion
  • Strengthens the major organs
  • Regulate weight
  • Helps to sleep better
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Increases circulation

Deep breathing is one of the easiest ways to improve your health dramatically that you can easily do from anywhere, at any time.

It costs nothing and takes very little effort.

Take a little time each day to practice it and it will greatly reward your efforts.

Let’s look at a couple more steps next…

2. Analyze

After your deep breaths, you are now free to think again. Analyze your situation. It will be easier if you write about it on a piece of paper.

Write down all the things that make you worry, and then write down all the possible solutions on it. Just write as many as you can.

Analyze your problems and your solutions. If it’s hard for you to find an answer to your problems, you can talk about them to someone you trust.

If you trust no one, then pray hard and meditate more. If you are an atheist or agnostic, then it’s for you to find out how you can cope with your situation.

Being an open-minded person can help you to see every possible thing and every beautiful thing in the world.

Why not give yourself a try to believe in something you never believe? Expand your limiting beliefs.

You have no idea what will happen tomorrow. Tomorrow never ends, it will only end when you die. So, why not try?

3. Intention for Action

You considered trying the first two steps. Now, what are your intentions? Analyzing your problem so you can stop worrying always follow your intentions to take an action.

A good intention will take you far but a bad intention can only make you worry more in the long run.

Always think about your intentions. If it’s for your own good and everyone’s good, then you can take an action for it.

Worries will remain worries in our heads if we allow it to continue without doing anything.

Therefore, do something.

Remember to take deep breathes, exercise, and practice positive self-talk.

By: Gladys Batenga from Choki Art 

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