Blog Law of Attraction Success

3 Steps To Unblock Your Subconscious Mind And Attract Prosperity

how to attract prosperity

Step 1: Expect positively

Know that you weren’t put on this earth to scrimp, suffer, and struggle. Be brave enough to expect the best, and know that you deserve it.

We all have a destiny – and the Universe WANTS to provide you with what you need to fulfill it.

If this seems like nonsense because you’ve been living in lack, don’t fret.

That little voice in your head saying’This is bs, money doesn’t grow on trees’ – ha! Did you see that?

That exact kind of thought is a result of your underlying beliefs of scarcity, which are:

– not true
– which you probably absorbed before you knew it, and
– which we’re going to unblock right now as you complete these three steps.

For now, your first step is to know this:

You have a destiny, and the Universe has a plan for you to fulfill it.

And part of that plan is making sure you have more than you need to do what you need to do.

The fastest way to open the floodgates? Expect it to happen.

Don’t just hope; expect the best, and it’ll show up for you in the most abundant manner possible. Your breakthrough is coming.

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See How I Personally Used The Law of Attraction to Create Massive Change in My Life:

How To Think Positive: The Law of Attraction, A Quick Guide to Your Hidden Manifesting Power

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The Law of Attraction's Missing Ingredient ebook