Family Relationships

5 Things Children Of Divorce Would Never Share With Others

children having a conversation

1. We build walls around ourselves

We have been there before. We don’t want to see people leave the way our parents did. We want to be secure. We want to be safe. And so we build walls around ourselves to protect us from persons who could repeat that period of leaving us and finding a new direction.

2. We can be over attached to our items

Perhaps this is our only security. When our parents divorced, items were divided among the two of them. So we know how important items can be and we always want to have a hold on what we have got.

3. We prefer one parent over the other

As much as we do not want to have a preference between our parents there is always who meet our demands and we can relate better with. Although we are not really vocal about it, as you become intimate with us you will find out that we do prefer one parent over the other.

4. We are afraid of commitment

Although at some point we will have to see reason with committing ourselves to someone, yet commitment is something that marvels us. We do not want what happened to our parents to repeat itself with us.

5. We do not like cheaters

This feeling pops in if one of our parents was cheating on the other and this was what caused the divorce. We want to uphold the value of being responsible to the relationships we are into. We hate cheaters and do not want to be involved with them.

Read the full article at: 10 Things Children of Divorce Would Never Tell You