Blog Mind & Heart Development

Find the Greatness Within. You Can Create Success Through Transformation and Spiritual Power


Many of us get stuck in beliefs and habits from the past. Little do we know that we are simply holding ourselves back from achieving our dreams and changing our reality. We are more powerful than we know, and once we start to find this greatness within, there are virtually no limits to what we can achieve.

One man sold encyclopedias. He did well because he was charming, but it wasn’t his true calling. He also served in the Navy – but that wasn’t his true calling either. He found his calling when he became interested in acting. It was a circuitous route, but Paul Newman finally found what he’d come here to do.

Another man made good money in the music business, but he made some bad investments and lost it all at age 28. He went back home and lived with his parents. But soon everything changed for Simon Cowall, and he found what he had come here to do – become a major music mogul.

She was badly abused in her childhood – beaten and verbally demeaned. But she had something truly magnificent inside of her, and she kept on going. That was Ammachi or Mata Amritanadamayi, also called “The Hugging Saint.” She became an enlightened, truly great human being.

No matter your circumstances, you can start Making a Difference:

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