Better Living

Get Rid Of Skin Problems Such As Warts, Dark Spots, Blackheads, Skin Tags Using Natural Remedies

natural remedies for common skin problems

For people who are plagued with various skin problems, there is no need to turn to chemical-based skin care products that may have some negative side effects on your skin.

There are some natural remedies for skin problems, which can be found in your own kitchen.

Whether you have problems with warts, blackheads, whiteheads and dark spots, these natural remedies can help you get rid of them naturally.

For instance, people with blackheads can treat the skin problem using simple methods such as applying sugar scrub and steaming.

These remedies help unclog pores and remove dirt build up, which is common to people with oily skin.

Instead of buying expensive skin care products, you should give these natural remedies a try especially if you have sensitive skin.

For you to get optimum results, it is also advised that you repeat the process regularly.

Removing Warts


Warts are small bumps on the skin or mucous membranes caused by the human papillomavirus or HPV. They are common and normally treated with salicylic acid or freezing. Some people also like to wrap warts in duct tape. However, there are some other more natural options you could try.


According to Natural Society, you can remove a wart in two weeks with the use of crushed garlic and garlic juice. Rub crushed garlic on the wart every night and put a bandage over it. You should also apply garlic juice to the wart twice a day.

Pure Raw Honey

The benefits of honey are well recorded and wart removal is one of them. All you have to do is rub honey on the wart at night and wrap it with a bandage. The honey will slowly remove the wart. There are even cases of warts not returning after honey had been used to treat them.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another natural wart remover. Like most natural wart removers, you apply apple cider vinegar at night. You soak a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and hold it in place with a bandage. It can be left in place overnight or for 24 hours, although it should be replaced every day. The wart will slowly shrivel up and disappear.


The easiest method for wart removal is to use a banana peel. According to Earth Clinic, all you have to do is rub the wart every night with a banana peel for two weeks. The wart will vanish.

But let’s look at more of these AMAZING natural remedies you can use for some of the most common skin issues such as skin tags, moles and more…

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